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The Law Offices of Ted A. Greene, Inc.’s overall mission is to satisfy the legal needs of our clients. We are dedicated to being the best at what we do. We strive to provide superior and efficient representation by staying current with laws that impact our clients and investing in new technologies that allow us to better serve them. Above all, we take pride in helping Californians and strive to ensure that their legal needs are met.
Breaking news: Gavin Newsom signs child sexual assault survivor bill
SACRAMENTO (Oct. 13, 2019) – Victims of childhood sexual abuse will have a greater opportunity to seek justice and hold an assailant accountable under a bill supported by Consumer Attorneys of California that Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed.
Assembly Bill 218 by Asm. Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) will give survivors of sexual assault in their childhood more time to seek justice.
Previously, California allowed victims to file claims until the age of 26. AB 218 extends that limit to age 40, or within five years of the time it is discovered they suffered damages as a result of the assault, whichever comes later.
In addition, AB 218 will allow a three-year window in which claims that may have expired due to the statute of limitations under current law can be revived. In cases where a child becomes a victim of sexual assault as the result of an effort to cover up previous assaults, AB 218 will also allow a court to award recovery of up to treble damages from the defendant who engaged in the cover-up.
AB 218 becomes law Jan. 1, 2020.
Ted A. Greene is the founder of Law Offices of Ted A. Greene, Inc. and handles these kinds of cases throughout California. He helps victims of sexual abuse seek justice for the years of suffering they have endured. Children need protection and this new law sends a very strong and clear message that abuse of this type should NEVER be allowed to occur. And if it does then those responsible, at all levels, will be forced to pay. You can contact Ted at tgreene@tedgreenelaw.com or call him at 916.442.6400 for a free consultation.
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